What is Kundalini?

Almost all spiritual traditions speak of Kundalini, the inner spiritual power, in one form or another. The Japanese call it “ki”, the Chinese “chi”, and in Christianity it is known as the Holy Spirit.

What is Kundalini?

Almost all spiritual traditions speak of Kundalini, the inner spiritual power, in one form or another. The Japanese call it “ki”, the Chinese “chi”, and in Christianity it is known as the Holy Spirit.


Prana is immaterial, invisible and imperceptive to our senses. But it has influence over the molecules, atoms and even sub-atomic particles.


The term yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuja” which means “to combine”, “to unite”. Yoga combine the Mind with the Body.

Shiva Shakti

Shiva is the masculine and passive element of pure consciousness, Shakti the feminine active element. Shiva and Shakti together form a duality in which Shiva is a power holder and Shakti is power itself.



The word Yoga means union and it refers to union between one’s self and the spiritual entity who is not only one’s deepest self but is at the same time the omniscient deity of the universe.

Tribal Bellydance & Indian Fusion

This combination of strong, dynamic movement and asana allows for both strength building and sweet surrender in the shoulders. Embrace the new movements and the change that comes with challenge.

The path of Goddess

Join us for a 9-day trip to one of the oldest cities in the Indian subcontinent. Varanasi (Benares) is located by the river Ganges, occupies a central place in the Hindu world pilgrimage tradition. The ghats in Varanasi are steps on the banks of the river, they are associated with imysterious legends and mythologies. Many yogis, ascetics, and masters, including Buddha lived and taught here.
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