Workshop & Classes Timetables

Morning Yoga sadhana
During a yoga class we enter a practice of yogic techniques as: asanas (yogic postures), pranayama’s (breathing practice), Dhyana (meditation, concentration within) and deep relaxation. Yoga sadhana purifies the blockages on a physical, emotional and mental level of being and gives control over Body and Mind towards transcendental and intuitive awareness.
Time: 7-8.30am and 9-10.30am
Cost: €15 or five class pass- €60.
How to book: contact me

Mantra chanting session
During meditation session – Dhyana (concentration within) there is a focus on breathing and deep relaxation. Meditation releases and purifies the blockages on a physical, emotional and mental level and gives awareness of one’s Body and Mind, opening towards transcendental and intuitive awareness.
During meditation session – Dhyana (concentration within) there is a focus on breathing and deep relaxation. Meditation releases and purifies the blockages on a physical, emotional and mental level and gives awareness of one’s Body and Mind, opening towards transcendental and intuitive awareness.
Time: 8-9.30pm (except Mon & Fri)
Cost: €15 for a class or five class pass for €60.
How to book: contact me
Belly dance classes
Dance workshops are an energetic synchronization of movement, breath with awareness of the inward processes and an open awareness of the surroundings, by specific principles harmony and beauty can be created, which are visible in the expression of dance. Everything is an energy and the rhythm is like a beat of the heart, which give impulses to the creative energy, through which transformation to a new potential can take place.
During the classes we learn about yoga and dance positions, which gives an awareness of geometry in the body and creates balance. Practice helps to open to oneself with confidence of the consciousness in the body and this develops awareness of beauty which comes through the feeling and movement. At any age you are welcome to find yourself through dance and create an expressive feminine way of connecting with the Soul. Through the practice comes development of awarness in different parts of the body, release of the blockages and during the training one receives an insight to one’s own energetic system. We will make simple movements which will create basic choreography to enter into dance and develop one’s own way in it. It is about being and expressing yourself with unlimited potential
Time: 6-7.30pm and 7.30-9pm (Beginners and advance class: Mondays and Fridays)
Cost: €15 for a class or five class pass for €60.
How to book: contact me
Evening Meditation session
During meditation session – Dhyana (concentration within) there is a focus on breathing and deep relaxation. Meditation releases and purifies the blockages on a physical, emotional and mental level and gives awareness of one’s Body and Mind, opening towards transcendental and intuitive awareness.
Time: 8-9.30pm (except Mon & Fri)
Cost: €15 for a class or five class pass for €60.
How to book: contact me
Intensive Day & Weekend Workshops

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation and Kirtan (chanting mantras) with Yogini Chinmaya
7 hours Training Daily – Weekend Workshops Saturday 11am-17pm: 4 hours Kundalini Yoga & Meditation & chanting mantras (4+3) – technique and practice Sunday 13pm-19pm: 3 hours Kundalini Yoga & Meditation & chanting mantras (3+3) – technique and practice
Workshop contents
During the workshop of Kundalini, we will learn basic yogic techniques including: practice of Dhyana (meditation) with intense Dharana (concentration) in the centres of energy (chakras).
We will be using the science of mudras and the purification of nadis, by practice of various pranayama’s to attain control of the breath and mind, in which finally all those aspects will be absorbed within the self. The awareness of the body control will be in the practice of bhandas and asanas, and pranayama as well as including the important role of conscious relaxation, which integrates the practice. By control of the mind, prana and body we will purify and prepare the self towards the experience of different states of consciousness.
Kirtan – chanting mantras
We are delighted to invite you for a chanting circle – kirtan, where we will invoke ancient mantras in Sanskrit, gurumukh language and more… The atmosphere in the event is uplifting, opening the heart to fulfil with joy and blessings. You don’t need any previous experience in singing or playing instruments, it comes spontaneously through the harmony in the circle, so warmly welcome to the experience of blissful loving and the ecstatic path of yoga through chanting of the mantras. The waves of the brain are in tune and the heart open with feeling of Unconditional Love. Hari OM.
Please note!!!
For the full effect of yoga, it is advisable not to eat at least 2 hours before the practice. I recommend not to eat or drink any animal products (meat, eggs, and dairy), coffee or alcohol, and not to smoke a minimum 24 hours before the practice. Drink plenty of water before and during the event.
Booking with prepaid reservation required.
Cost: 200 Euro (discount for early birds 170 Euro), space limited
How to book: contact me
Yoga & Bellydance Workshop Programs
Yoga workshop program – 1 Day Program
- 9:30 – 11:30 – Introduction to theoretical yoga basis and foundation of yogic practice: position, asana and spinal cord, energy flow, breathing practices – pranayama
- 11:30 – 12:00 relaxation
- 12:00 – 13:00 break for tea and snack
- 13:00 – 14:30 meditation with short relaxation
- 14:30 – 15:30 talk, questions & answers
- 15:30 -17:00 break for lunch/dinner
- 17:30 – 19:00 bellydance class
- 19:30 – 21:00 kirtan (chanting mantras)
Therapy Sessions
Day to Day Classes

Therapy: Tarot Reading
Therapist: Monika
Monika is a Master of Yoga Kundalini initiated through the Masters’ from the Ancient East. She has been taught Tarot by her Master from Poland, Barbara Macidlowska. Tarot reading is suited for any kind of enquiry; relationships, business, personal growth or any personal problems. Monika is direct and accurate and can help a person align on their soul destiny path.
Length of Session/Cost: 45mins-1hr, €50
Availability: By appointment
How to book: contact me
Therapy: Reiki
Therapist: Monika
Monika is a Master of Kundalini Yoga and a healer. The therapy through the Reiki technique brings healing to the physical, emotional and mental levels of being. During the session we balance the energy in the chakras and heal the organs, bringing harmony to the whole system. It is a gentle healing technique recommended for everyone.
Length of Session/Cost: 30-45min €40, 1 hr €50
Availability: By appointment
How to book: contact me
Further Information about Day & Weekend Workshops
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation and Kirtan (chanting mantras) with Yogini Chinmaya
7 hours Training Daily – Weekend Workshops
Saturday 11am-17pm: 4 hours Kundalini Yoga & Meditation & chanting mantras (4+3) – technique and practice
Sunday 13pm-19pm: 3 hours Kundalini Yoga & Meditation & chanting mantras (3+3) – technique and practice
In search of oneself, there are many ways that can take off the veil of illusion wherein the mind, body, emotions and impressions can catch someone unawares, they can come in the form of long term traumas, locked emotions, unfulfilled desires or memories and dreams which hold oneself from experiencing true reality, which is spontaneous and blissful.
Yoga gives immediate access to energy through the connection with breath, which like a sharp knife cuts through the waves of thoughts, bringing clarity and an ocean of calmness upon a person who is paying attention. The next steps are practice and discipline, which depends on a person’s goals and aims.
If you feel that you are not exactly yourself, you sense it in your depth, if there is unease in some way or a lack of happiness in your life, this workshop will bring you an insight to connect within with yourself and connect into the integral Oneness to develop power and to discover the potential to realize who you really are.
Kundalini is the primal power of the universe. She is also the inner power that lifts a person from the darkness of ignorance to the blazing light of supreme wisdom, and grants one a permanent experience of one’s own divine nature.
Instead of identifying ourselves with our Great Self, we identify with our body, emotions and ego. But the scriptures, and Yogis remind us that if we fully unfold our shakti’s, we are nothing but Supreme Shiva. The human body is a storehouse of vast power, and the object of sadhana is to raise these various forms of power back to their full expression.
We must retrace our steps and return to our source. The root of all our latent power is the Kundalini Shakti. She must be awakened from her dormant sleep, and then she can retrace her steps, climbing back up through the various principles of creation.
The various spiritual traditions employ a wide variety of means to awaken the dormant Kundalini. Yogini Chinmaya (Monika Kwik) undertook teacher training in the school of Yogi Bhajan located in England (“SKY”), and afterwards she decided to travel to India to meet a living Guru of the tradition of Kundalini Yoga. Shortly after arriving in Varanasi city (India) destiny guided her to meet GuruJi Arun Kumar Sharma (www.arunkumarsharma. com) who revealed to her secrets of the Kundalini path in Shaktism tradition. Pandit Shri Arun Kumar Sharma guided Monika through the experience of yoga & tantra sadhana. GuruJi in his last years of life transmitted to his disciples a living tradition and a deep mystic path which had been a tradition in his family for more than 300 years. Through the process of initiations and different kinds of yogic and tantric methods of sadhana, Yogini Chinmaya (Monika) experienced an intense endeavour in kundalini sadhana and became totally focused with the spiritual path of yoga, to which she has devoted her life. She is now engaged in teachings and scientific research on Kundalini sadhana in yoga and tantra.
Workshop contents
During the workshop of Kundalini, we will learn basic yogic techniques including: practice of Dhyana (meditation) with intense Dharana (concentration) in the centres of energy (chakras).
We will be using the science of mudras and the purification of nadis, by practice of various pranayama’s to attain control of the breath and mind, in which finally all those aspects will be absorbed within the self. The awareness of the body control will be in the practice of bhandas and asanas, and pranayama as well as including the important role of conscious relaxation, which integrates the practice. By control of the mind, prana and body we will purify and prepare the self towards the experience of different states of consciousness.

Kirtan – chanting mantras
We are delighted to invite you for a chanting circle – kirtan, where we will invoke ancient mantras in Sanskrit, gurumukh language and more… The atmosphere in the event is uplifting, opening the heart to fulfil with joy and blessings. You don’t need any previous experience in singing or playing instruments, it comes spontaneously through the harmony in the circle, so warmly welcome to the experience of blissful loving and the ecstatic path of yoga through chanting of the mantras. The waves of the brain are in tune and the heart open with feeling of Unconditional Love. Hari OM.
Please note!!!
For the full effect of yoga, it is advisable not to eat at least 2 hours before the practice. I recommend not to eat or drink any animal products (meat, eggs, and dairy), coffee or alcohol, and not to smoke a minimum 24 hours before the practice. Drink plenty of water before and during the event.
Booking with prepaid reservation required.
Cost: 200 Euro (discount for early birds 170 Euro), space limited
How to book: contact me
Yoga & Bellydance Workshop Programs
Yoga workshop program – 1 Day Program
- 9:30 – 11:30 – Introduction to theoretical yoga basis and foundation of yogic practice: position, asana and spinal cord, energy flow, breathing practices – pranayama
- 11:30 – 12:00 relaxation
- 12:00 – 13:00 break for tea and snack
- 13:00 – 14:30 meditation with short relaxation
- 14:30 – 15:30 talk, questions & answers
- 15:30 -17:00 break for lunch/dinner
- 17:30 – 19:00 bellydance class
- 19:30 – 21:00 kirtan (chanting mantras)
During our yoga training workshop we will enter into a subtle awareness of the pranic state through certain breathing techniques. We will talk about the nature of the mind and afterwards enter into a meditative state by observing impressions in the mental body and in the physical senses. Through the practice of certain specific asanas we will focus on the lower triangle which is associated with lower chakras, through yogic kriyas we will improve all levels of the body and cross-examine the limitations and blockages, which are held in the body on the physical and subtle levels.
There will be a specific sequence for improvement of our bellydance practice. Certain exercises to strengthen the energy in the pelvis, to open the chest area, and to strengthen hands in certain geometric positions. All positions are regarded in alignment with the spine and an awareness of energy accordingly to Kundalini energy principles (Shiva & Shakti). The practical part will be followed with a deep relaxation for integration and release.
The practice will be adjusted to everyone’s own individual capacities. Our aim will be too focus on one’s own blockages and through certain practice sequences, a gradual improvement towards more advance stages of yoga can be achieved.
How to book: contact me
Tribal Dance

Tribal Bellydance & Indian Fusion
Weekend intensive dance workshops are an energetic workout of synchronicity of movement with breath and awareness of space within our body and geometry around us, which in certain principles creates the harmony and beauty through the movements.
All is energy – shakti. The rhythm is like our heart beat, which gives us an impulse to express energy in a creative way… vibrations are realising blockages in the body and giving a way for transformation of energy. Whatever holds you back, can move on and transform into a new potential for realization. Classes do include some yogic exercises helping in opening the body with an awareness of each part of the body. During the workshop we learn how to listen to our own expression in certain sequences which could be a base of choreography for dance performance, and as well for wisdom of our own energetic system.
The workshop is addressed to every woman who feels the feminine energy which needs to be expressed in the movement and passion of life. That energy is a goddess in every woman. Classes are for beginners and those who would like to experience the style of tribal belly dance or elements of Indian fusion dance. Dear sisters welcome to the space of dance where we express feminine beauty and go through deep healing, simply it is not just a dance but a sacred circle of transformation of energy with a deep wisdom of Kundalini energy which can be awaken for a higher potential.