Yoga Workshops

☼ Yoga Śakta Kundalini Workshop with Live Mantras ☼

Welcome ❤,️

Welcoming you for a weekend Yoga workshop with live Mantra’s, which will introduce you to the practice of breathing techniques, yoga postures, meditation techniques to purify our physical, mental & emotional bodies & thereby connect on a subtle level to an awareness of the chakras and channels in our subtle energetic body. These healing methods will be suporrted with relaxation sessions to integrate the whole process. During the workshop we will have live Mantra’s (by Sky Shanti) which helps us to tune ourselves to the Heart and feeling the cosmic vibration of the Universe.

Monika ( Chinmaya ) and Sky welcome you to participate in this great event and enter into the depth of this Indian tradition.

• 2 days –> total 14 hours of sessions
(Saturday & Sunday ; 10:30am – 17:30)

∞ Saturday: 3 hours for Kundalini Yoga & Meditation – (theory & practice) and 3 hours of chanting & singing Mantra’s together (each session divided into 1.5h)

∞ Sunday: 3 hours for Kundalini Yoga & Meditation – theory, technique & practice and 3 hours of chanting & singing Mantra’s together ?

About Monika Kwik & Sky Shanti:

☀ KUNDALINI YOGA & MEDITATION with Monika Kwik (Chinmaya)

Instead of identifying ourselves with our Great Self, we identify with our body, emotions, ego. But the Scriptures, and Yogis remind us that if we fully unfold our Shaktis (energies), we are nothing else but the Supreme, Shiva.

The human body is actually a storehouse of vast power, and the object of sadhana (spiritual practice) is to raise these various forms of power back to their full expression. We have to retrace our steps and return to our source.The root of all our latent power is the Kundalini Shakti

Kundalini Shakti ( energy ) must be awakened from her dormant sleep, and then retrace hersteps, climbing back up through the various principles of creation. The various spiritual traditions employ a wide variety of means to awaken the dormant Kundalini.


Chinmaya (Monika Kwik) undertook the teacher training in the school of Yogi Bhajan located in England (SKY) afterwards she decided to travel to India to meet a living Guru of the tradition of Kundalini Yoga. Shortly after ariving in Varanasi city ( India ) destiny guided her to meet GuruJi Arun Kumar Sharma (www.arunkumarsharma. com) who revealed to her secrets of the Kundalini path in Śaktism tradition. Pandit Shri Arun Kumar Sharma had been guiding Monika through experience of yoga&tantra sadhana. GuruJi in his last years of life has transmitted to his disciples a living tradition of deep mystic path which has been a tradition in his family for more than 300 years. Through the process of initiations and different kinds of yogic and tantric methods of sadhana ( spiritual practice ) Yogini Chinmaya (Monika) went into the intense endeavor in kundalini sadhana and became my totally focus within the spiritual path of yoga, to which she had devoted her life. Actually she is engaged in teachings and scientific research on Kundalini in yoga and tantra.

☀ LIVE MANTRAS with Sky Shanti

Singing Mantra’s is a way to connect with the Divine, the Source of Peace, Happiness and Love. It’s a way for us to feel connected with our inherent Divine Nature, our true Self and with each other. When we come together to sing and open up our hearts to the flow of Life, we feel a sense of connection and Unity.

We can sense and feel that singing & chanting Mantra’s together makes us awake to a state of peace and joy which is actually our original true state of Being.

Nowadays there are many different kinds of Mantra’s available from various different traditions around the World. You may choose a particular Mantra/aspect of God which you feel most connected & attracted to.

The Mantra’s are chanted in the Sanskrit language. Sanskrit is one of the most ancient and unique languages in that it has the capability to influence our entire being on a very deep level.

The meaning of mantras will be displayed through the projector during the sessions.

The most important aspect is the amount of devotion with which we sing. We can let go of all our fears, worries and anxieties for the time being and just focus on singing with an open heart and letting the sound vibrations bring us to a deep state of peace and happiness.


Sky was born in the Netherlands, grew up in the south of Spain, near to Malaga .. in an alternative community in the mountains . Since childhood Sky’s parents used to travel with him and his brother Surya to India every winter to connect with the Indian culture, as well as to continue teaching Yoga in India. In this way Sky has grown up a lot with the Indian culture and yogic lifestyle from a very young age . In the age of 16 started becoming more and more interested in following the Spiritual path and Yogic lifestyle .. and so he began travelling throughout India to the Kumbha Mela (the biggest religious and spiritual gathering / festival in the world), and throughout India, seeking out many important spiritual and religious sites and travelling throughout the Himalayas.

Then in October 2019, Sky met his Guru, Amma – Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.. also known as the Hugging Saint.. Sky had long been searching for his Guru , Spiritual Master, and was happy to have found Amma in this lifetime .. He met Amma in the Netherlands during Amma’s European Tour, and after this he went on to Amma’s Amritapuri Ashram in Kerala, India .. where he stayed for the next two years during the covid lockdown.. Two years of living with Amma in the spiritual community (Ashram) during the lockdown has been a life transforming experience for Sky, and since being back in Europe again, he is happy to share whatever he has learned in India and especially the Mantra’s/ Bhajans which he so much loves to play and sing with the guitar.. in big Mantra Circles at Yoga Retreats, Festivals, and all over the World

Sky has been playing and singing Bhajans / Mantra’s on the guitar for more than 7 years.. When Sky was 16 he started playing Mantra’s on the guitar .. and has been sharing his music together with his mother Tara on their Yoga retreats (Sunfoodyoga) in the South of Spain , Holland and India.. His mother Tara has been practicing Yoga for more than 40 years. Tara has been teaching Yoga and giving raw food Yoga retreats in the south of Spain for about 20 years.

We are looking forward to share with you during the workshop in Amsterdam. Welcome ?

Location: Okido Yoga Center, Van Ostadestraat 385-H, 1074 VX Amsterdam

Date: 26-27.08
Time: 10.30-17.30

(full day, 7 hours workshop with a small break in between with tea and a light meal)
Price: €300 full weekend / €170 for 1 day

“Prebooking required”

Contact & Information for Bookings

Monika Kwik WhatsApp: +48570560164

Facebook Page: Kundalini International Yoga

Sky Shanti WhatsApp: +34641877391

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ✨ ?

Yoga Retreat in Spain

Welcome for an Yoga Kundalini retreat workshop (4-10.08.19) in Spain in Granada Retreat Center


With delicious food and beautiful accomodation in special venue, among the stunning Nature. Accesible from Malaga & Granada airport. We offer you amazing experience of yoga practice in the Mountains & Beach.

Venue is near the capital of the province of the same name and the wider region holds a number of attractions. From the mystical Alpujarras mountains, to the Sierra Nevada and down to the Costa Tropical centred on Salobreña, a visitor to this province can ski in the morning, have lunch in the city, then sit on the beach in the afternoon. Not a bad claim to fame.

Granada is blessed with Moorish heritage dating back more than 700 years. The pinnacle of this is the Alhambra, a compound with palaces, courtyards and gardens You can walk your way along the streets of the old Albaycin district, laid out exactly as it was in Medieval times, or enter the cave dwellings of the historic gypsy neighbourhood famed for its flamenco shows.

You can relax on the beach, go to the mountains, enjoy sightseeing and practice yoga on this all encompassing yoga retreat in beautiful Granada, Spain!

Venue is near the capital of the province of the same name and the wider region holds a number of attractions. From the mystical Alpujarras mountains, to the Sierra Nevada and down to the Costa Tropical centred on Salobreña, a visitor to this province can ski in the morning, have lunch in the city, then sit on the beach in the afternoon. Not a bad claim to fame.

Granada is blessed with Moorish heritage dating back more than 700 years. The pinnacle of this is the Alhambra, a compound with palaces, courtyards and gardens

You can walk your way along the streets of the old Albaycin district, laid out exactly as it was in Medieval times, or enter the cave dwellings of the historic gypsy neighbourhood famed for its flamenco shows.

You can relax on the beach, go to the mountains, enjoy sightseeing and practice yoga on this all encompassing yoga retreat in beautiful Granada, Spain!

Accommodation: 20 different types’ rooms with ensuite bathrooms, air conditionings, free wifi: 9 Twin Rooms, 2 Triples (can be twins), 4 Double Rooms, 2 Suitte Junior with bathtub, 2 Quadruples

Yoga Shala: With 64 square meters and sound system.

Retreat Center facilities: Granada retreat center features a seasonal outdoor swimming pool. Guests can also relax on the terrace set within the gardens of the property. The restaurant at this tranquil retreat serves traditional homemade dishes. Special diet menus are available on request, and there is a bar.

Location: Just 15 minutes’ drive from Granada, 1h from Malaga city and 45min from the closest beach, Salobreña.

During our yoga workshop holidays we will be doing yoga practice everyday in the morning and in the evenings circle gatherings of chanting mantras with quitarist Kai / Sky. During the day will have a time to relax on the beach or explore area with attractions such a waterfalls, forests, local villages, majestic city of Granada.

Yoga practice will be deeply focused on breathing techniques, which is the key for awakening the pranic energy, asanas, mediation, relaxation and chanting mantras. We will enter into basic yogic practices with focus on the allignment of the postures, the spine & rythm of our breath.

It is important to keep the attention on the breath in order to purify the “nadis” (subtle channels) and enter into “susumna” nadi (the central cord connected with the chakras).

The workshop is addressed to everyone who is willing to enter into yogic practices, so there is no need for any previous preparation. The level of practice will be always ajusted to the practicioner on beginner level or advance.

From pranic level we can create a lot of energy, which will release the blockages in the physical, emotional and mental bodies. When the energy is aroused, it flows into the brain, illuminating it and awakening it to the experience of higher potential.

Yogis preserve their energy and make it rise from the base of the spine towards the higher centers to transform it into subtle levels and to connect with pure intuition ( „prathiba” ).

The Prana Kundalini Shakti flows and burns the seed of karma (universal law of cause and effect), letting go of impurities and leading to higher states of consciousness.

In our small group everyone will be under individual guidance.

Those who won’t be able to sit during the complete practice will be introduced to the the relaxed lying position techniques at first, and slowly learn to do the sitting techniques.

During the workshop there will be sufficient breaks to integrate the energy, so the duration of the sessions won’t be to long. Energy will be integrated after the yoga sadhana by relaxation session.

During the days there will be time for exploration of area in the natural surrounding or with attraction of the city. Also individual sessions are available.

If needed workshop will be translated into Spanish or Polish medium.

– Please make sure that you attend the workshop on an empty stomach.

– Do not use alcohol or any toxicating subtances for at least one week before the workshop.

– Wear comfortable clothes, especially loose around the abdomen/belly area to breathe comfortably.

Pre-booking is required. Space is limited.

For local person interested in the workshop possibility of participation without accomodation.

Cost of 5 days workshop without accomodation: 320 Euro

Early birds booking upto 15.07 : 290 Euro

+ 15/20 Euro per day include food ( please do specify your meals and needs )

Cost with accomodation: 550 Euro

Early birds booked upto 15.07 cost: 520 Euro

With recommendation of the friend 50 Euro disscount.

Fully residential retreats include all of our facilities and accommodation ( please do specify type of room – prices given on the website , in holidays price basic accomodation in double room ) with 2 vegetarian meals a day ( if any special diet please do write about it to us )

Not refundable deposit of half price need to be paid upto 19th July. To bank account:

Monika Kwik

Santander Bank

account no:
currency in zloty 31 1910 1048 2110 0150 1162 0001
currency in Euro PL 70 1910 0009 2942 0150 1162 0001

Szpakowa 55
43-100 Tychy

Pease do send confirmation of payment via e-mail.

Flight ticket not included. Please do arrive on the Malaga airport or closest location in Granada by 4-6pm 4th August.

Do inform us via e-mail about the time of your arrival for taxi pick up arrangment.

Arrival to Malaga airport or Granda bus stop. Inform us at what time you arrive to the closet location and we arrange taxi pick up for you.

Information, contact and booking: ;

e-mail : &

Yoga Kundalini retreat workshop program (4-10.08.19)

4.08 Sunday ( Arrival day )


8pm – Introduction meeting & dinner

05.08 Monday

7 -9am



Basic practice of sitting position with breathing practices: activation of “nabhi” ( navel )   belly breathing, breathing in „susumna” channel

“Nadi shuddhi” : practice of cleansing nadis: “ida, pingala, shushumna”

“Kapalabhati” breath of fire: deeply puryfing breathing technique

Bandhas: “Moolabandh” “Ujjaybandh” “Jalandharbandh” and “Mahabandha” techniques

Shavasana: relaxation


Beach + lunch in local place



20.30 – 22.00

Meditation & chanting mantras with Chinmayi & Sky

06.08 Tuesday

7 -9am



Basic asanas for a lower triangle chakras : mooladhara, svadhishtana, manipura

Deep relaxation session


For those who are interested: Alhambra Palace excursion



20.30 – 22.00

Meditation and chanting mantras with Chinmayi & Sky

07.08 Wednesday




Higher triangle chakras asanas practice: anahata, vishudhi, sahasrara

Shavasana: relaxation


Trip to the waterfall or relax for those one who wants to stay in retreat place ( swimmingpool & bar )



20.30 – 22.00

Meditation and chanting mantras with Chinmayi & Sky

8.08 Thursday

7 – 9am



Stage 1: Grounding of all basic yogic practice techniques: basic sitting position, mixing of „prana- apana”, „urdhva flow in shushumna nadi”, „kapalabhathi” breath of fire, bandhas: Moolabandh” “Ujjaybandh” “Jalandharbandh” and “Mahabandha”.

Basic asanas for lower and upper triangle.

Deep relaxation session


Relax on the beach & or arrangment for a tour to local attractions & stay and relax in retreat venue




Kirtan of chanting mantras with Chinmayi & Sky

9.08 Friday



10 – 13

Stage 2: Grounding of all basic yogic practice techniques: basic sitting position, mixing of „prana- apana”, „urdhva flow in shushumna nadi”, „kapalabhathi” breath of fire, bandhas: Moolabandh” “Ujjaybandh” “Jalandharbandh” and “Mahabandha”.

Basic asanas for lower and upper triangle.
14 – 18

Relax on the beach & or arrangment for a tour to local attractions & stay and relax in retreat venue


Granada city evening attractions, flamenco show

10.08 Saturday ( Departure day )

10 -13

Goodbye meeting & feedback with final chanting mantras circle with Chinmayi & Kai

Lunch in resort

Departure to the airport. Inform us about your flight departure to book taxi transport.

You are warmly welcome for our yoga retreat holidays in beautiful enviroment in Spanish yoga center venue. Come and learn foundation of yoga & meditation & breathing techniques practice or improve your yogic sadhana with yoga Master Chinmayi. Evening will be enchatned with singing mantras with Kai ( Sky )

Hari OM ♥

Monika ( Chinmayi )

Thank you for sharing our event with family and friends.

Blessings. Mahadev xxx

The path of Goddess

Join us for a 9-day trip to one of the oldest cities in the Indian subcontinent. Varanasi (Benares) is located by the river Ganges, occupies a central place in the Hindu world pilgrimage tradition. The ghats in Varanasi are steps on the banks of the river, they are associated with imysterious legends and mythologies. Many yogis, ascetics, and masters, including Buddha lived and taught here.
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